Spring has arrived in Northern Nevada – and not just with blossoming flowers and trees.

Blog post.Springtime in northern Nevada.photoSpring is here, a relieving respite from short winter days and harsher weather.   The transition feels particularly welcome this year after twelve months of lockdowns, COVID surges and the personal toll the pandemic has taken on members of our communities.  A tangible sign of light beginning to pierce through from the end of the tunnel is the number of vaccines distributed and injected into arms.

Northern Nevada is also witnessing positive economic phenomena.  Sales and sale prices of residential housing in the area are skyrocketing.  The increase in home prices may cause legitimate angst of an impending real estate bubble, and affordable housing in the area remains a significant unaddressed problem.  But the growth in real estate sales suggests that people find northern Nevada attractive enough to relocate here from California and other areas of the United States.  Businesses that have survived the pandemic thus far are poised to reopen and get back to normal, whatever that may consist of.

Spring is here – and Northern Nevada is reopening for business.
