Our Services
Problems aren’t neatly wrapped in packages and ribbon.
Problems are messy. Complicated. Unique. Challenging.
At Fletcher & Lee, we unpackage every problem. We analyze it from every angle. Then we do it again and again until we have solutions that fit the needs of each client. And then we implement those solutions.
We are bankruptcy and restructuring lawyers. Our focus is on business and financial problems. We use every tool available in our bankruptcy and business practice to achieve creative solutions for our clients. Our expertise is in workouts and mediation, personal and corporate bankruptcy, commercial litigation, business planning, judgement execution and collection, and appellate law. We represent businesses, individuals, non-profits and governmental entities. Our clients include all interest groups in consumer and business restructuring law – debtors, creditors, trustees and other restructuring participants.
Our team collaborates to optimize options. We do this by developing legal strategy that is tailored to meet each client’s needs. Because we believe every business and financial problem has solutions.