With changes happening daily, small business and individuals can turn to several sources for information on the assistance that is available to address the economic effects of COVID 19, as follows:
- Nevada Governor: The website for the Governor of the state of Nevada includes all of Governor Sisolak’s directives, definitions of “essential” and “non-essential” businesses, social contact and safe practices. Under the subfile of Governor’s Directives and Declaration, a listing for Evictions sets forth the Governor’s directives relating to evictions. Under the same subfile, see Mortgages for a listing of banks that conduct business in the State of Nevada and contact information regarding mortgage relief. Information is also available on applying for unemployment insurance.
- Nevada Governor’s Office of Economic Development: This website outlines additional resources in response to the COVID 19 disaster under Online Business Resources. Information is available for many industries, including mining, restaurants, food providers and many other categories.
- United States Senate: Senator Jackie Rosen’s website contains a summary of federal assistance available in the recent federal legislation and the rules and application processes for small business owners.
- Small Business Administration: check out the small business paycheck protection program that was part of the recent stimulus package passed by Congress. As part of the federal legislation to address COVID 19, the new law provides for 0.5% loans for small business owners to pay payroll, rent, utilities and certain other expenses; however, all loan payments are deferred for 6 months and the amount equal to two months of qualifying expenses will be forgiven if the small business owners meet certain criteria, including retaining employees for a least 6 months after receiving the loan.
- Nevada Secretary of State: Turbulent times are a breeding ground for stock fraudsters and shady business deals. Before you invest in any scheme, especially ones that pander to problems associated the COVID 19 outbreak, call the Nevada Secretary of State’s office at 800-758-6440 or go to the Secretary of State’s website at nv.sos.gov.